Looking to edit my article/post. Service that can help?

Need pointers please!

I'm not a native speaker, but I have an idea for an online article or a blog post. I can put together a very rough draft. Now I need to have somebody clean up and polish it (basic editing - style, grammar,...).

What services would you recommend and how much do they typically charge? Thank you!

  1. 3

    Use https://www.reddit.com/r/slavelabour/ if you're on a tight budget.

    You can also use a paid plan of Grammarly if you think you're close enough and just need to adjust the style. Or just use https://www.deepl.com/en/translator as a better alternative for Google Translate.

  2. 3

    I think Fiverr, UpWork or other gig platforms like those can help you find someone for a good price that can help with this.

    1. 1

      Oh great. Never heard about Fiverr. Are they good for one-off type of jobs? I don't really need long-term engagement. Thanks!

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