Tech team looking for new adventures

Hey, all,

we are a small team - 5 devs. cross-disciplined. We like working with startups and soon we will finish our current project. After that, we have a few options to start for big companies as stand-alone team, but in the meantime, we still prefer working with startups. Hit me if you are a founder and are looking for techies.

posted to
Looking to Partner Up
on February 26, 2024
  1. 1

    I see a future in communities, and businesses that empower them. How about you, in regards to this?

    Founder and CEO of RiteKit here, and in addition to leading The Tavern for the last 5 years, to 17K+ members, and built other communities before this, I have plans for a suite of businesses that serve community owners (or the organizations behind them - ask about this when we talk).

    If interested, please see https://medium.com/hashtag-academy/new-ritekit-adjunct-project-seeks-full-stack-dev-lead-for-equity-position-d19a756d6235 and you will find the link to apply in Wellfound.

    Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon.

  2. 1

    I am ideally looking for a team and hoping to be funded soon. please connect with me.

    also building a b2b saas workflow type product not sure if thats in your wheelhouse.

  3. 1

    Hey! anything realted with mobile dev? android and ios?

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      tbh not our core expertise ;/

  4. 1

    That is so dope. You mentioned that you are all cross-disciplined, I am interested in know what disciplines that would be?

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      Not sure what u reffer with "dope". Our techstack is mainly - nodejs, react,next, .net C# aren arround, python, php, gcp, azure. QA - selenium, protractor, cypress, bs4. We have worked with many different types of platforms from custom-made plugins for WP to more complex backend services on old legacy systems. As mentioned we usually have worked in small teams so you have to be tech agile.

      1. 1

        I mean its pretty cool what you guys are doing when I refer to 'dope'.

        What startups have you guys worked with so far in the past if you do not mind sharing.

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          Some stuff are under NDA. Some our last few are a "standart" ecommerce with a quite complicated backend as it was collecting data and "picking" the products from the vendors based on criteria. We supported a few companies in a transition from their MVP to a more professional and scalable system. In a few cases we even went totally as their IT support, redesigning fully their IT processes and structure.

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