Always negotiate the price with creators 💰

As a startup founder, you always need to take care of your burn. And marketing can eat a big part of your budget.

I recently started engaging with creators and offering them partnerships.

We pay them a fixed amount to sponsor Bluedot in newsletters, YouTube, TikTok, etc.

Half of the time I was able to cut the initial price by 50%.

Here is a process 👇

  1. In the first email, pitch your app and ask about the price. Expect them to start with high prices, such as $200-500 (sometimes > $1,000).

  2. Instantly counteroffer with a 50% lower price Most of the time, they would give a 20-30% discount immediately.

  3. Stand firm on your offer. My best argument to lower the price is to show examples of other similar creators who charge less. Usually, it works half of the time.

PS: I can share screenshots of my conversations if interested.

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