Who is working with TailwindCSS?

Would love to see some products people are building with TailwindCSS

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    https://portabella.io is totally TailwindCSS and some components even TailWindUI.

    The app (https://app.portabella.io) is currently migrating to Tailwind from Grommet, will probably tweet or post something about the improved bundle size we get from that.

    https://privanote.com (still under construction) is TailwindCSS.

    My personal site is using TailwindCSS.

    https://just-launched.dev is TailwindCSS.

    For me it's just the default now. I could never properly abstract with CSS classes, extracting to JS components always made more sense to me so it works perfectly.

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    I worked with a founder from On Deck with her product being rebuilt with Python/React. Used TailwindCSS. My own products are with TailwindCSS. And soon I am re-building another founder's product with TailwindCSS. Been with it for 4 months or more, loved it.

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    I just started using it a few days ago. It's really good takes a bit of getting used to but what new isn't.

    There's nothing live yet but I've taken a couple of screenshots during the development on my Twitter

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    I am. But I don't have it online yet 😕

    Right now I'm using the freely available tailwind ui components. Will likely purchase the application pack; and possibly the marketing pack.

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    I've just built https://wonop.com using TailwindCSS. It is consistently used for landing page, the app (https://wonop.com/dashboard), the docs (https://docs.wonop.com/) etcs.

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    My service: https://www.listenaddict.com/ is all TailwindCSS.

    Things: dark mode, light mode. 12x different color themes (for each). Why? Because I can and it was super easy to do. Also, super tiny CSS in the end!

    (edit: grammar)

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