Once again, my Reddit post went viral and received 100K+ views

Hey everyone,

It took me years to understand how to make a post on Reddit that gains traction. We all know that it is difficult to get traction on Reddit, but I am sharing what I have learned.

Firstly, it is important to note that if the content of the post is purely self-promotion, it will likely be flagged as spam. Make sure that the post provides value or something that others will find interesting to read. Directly selling to the Reddit community is not allowed anyway.

You can approach your post from different perspectives. It could be something new or an achievement you want to share, or you can seek advice by discussing a problem and mentioning your product there or as a possible solution. Be sure to provide detailed descriptions and post in the appropriate subreddits.

Here are my stats on the posts-


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Now, here are the tricks that made my posts go viral. First of all, try to follow the notes that I mentioned earlier. After making a post, always stay active and engage with the commenters. Reply to all types of comments, whether they are negative or positive. The more and faster you can reply, the higher the engagement and the greater the chance of going viral๐Ÿš€.

I made the posts about my SaaS called Holoib - which allows users to create interactive product demos in minutes. Feel free to check it out and share your feedback :)

  1. 1

    Thanks for sharing the pattern of posts that are less likely to get banned ๐Ÿ™Œ

  2. 1

    That amazing way to do it. Basically have a compelling story with good lesson with everybody and share it on reddit.

    The only issue is how close are those people to your real customer ? How many of them converted to your customer. If your app is a general use then I bet it is pretty useful for the people in all those subreddit.

    But if you have niche specific product it will be a bit tricky as you need to know what the potential customer will like on reddit. Thats why I also recommend you to try the reddit analytics tool that I made which will go tru thousands of topic for your market and niche and find the best topic for your particular business.

    From the analysis you could see what is the best topic to write about for your particular business. Here is a sample analysis SAMPLE REDDIT ANALYSIS

    Not just reddit you can also see what your customer interested for all other online platform and it is free so you can try it at decentool.com

  3. 1

    I followed your steps reading your first article and got 21k+ views.

    Will try again. Thanks

    1. 1

      That sounds really great. Congratulations on your attempt!

    2. 1

      Where is the first article ?

  4. 1

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful experience! It confirms that a hardworking approach yields results on any platform.

  5. 1

    Sounds great,congrats,buddy
    I'm now working very hard at Reddit and hopefully it works

  6. 1

    Nice man, I've also had a lot of success with R/entrepreneur.. Such as this one here got 60k views and my elevator story got 40k views too

    R/entrepreneur seems like a great spot for stories/case studies

  7. 1

    That's great. I have not tried out reddit yet.
    Can you give a ballpark figure of how much 100k views from reddit means in terms of traffic to your site.
    Around 100 or 1000?

  8. 1

    Very helpful! Thanks!

  9. 1

    Amazing, Tanzirul! It's absolutely impressive to see how much traction your Reddit post got - 100K views is such an incredible milestone.

    Well done for successfully creating something that resonated with so many people and thanks for sharing!

    1. 1

      Most welcome Germerlo. Hope this can help some people to grow at Reddit.

  10. 1

    I thought Reddit was a walled channel no one could use for self-promotion, given how defensive theyโ€™re against commercial activity. Iโ€™ll definitely give a shot to this value adding approach ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป

    1. 1

      My thoughts were also the same as yours. But after seeing some people and how they made their posts, I'm here๐Ÿš€!

  11. 1

    great insights๐Ÿ‘

    1. 1

      Thank you, Anirudh!

  12. 1

    I have posted many times on Reddit, but not one time has been success.
    Will try this aproach, thanks for sharing.

    1. 1

      Most welcome and best of luck๐Ÿ‘.

  13. 1

    Awesome, well done ๐Ÿ‘ so did you link your url in to the post and did you get any conversions?

  14. 1

    These tips are really very practical and helpful. I also struggle on Reddit because it seems complex to me. But your strategies will help me a lot to get a very good understanding of this platform and shine brighter.

    1. 1

      Thanks, Fahim. After all, Reddit is such a cool platform.

  15. 1

    Good to hear other people stories about reddit. I'm trying to get into Reddit marketing myself and this proves that I can do it too

    1. 2

      You can, just be clear about your goal and share your success or failure with the community.

      1. 1

        Thank! I'll try it out in the coming weeks with a project I'm working on.

  16. 1

    very informative, as you said don't sell or overthrow your self information this is what I am pursuing the strategy......,

    1. 1

      All the best Hassan๐Ÿ‘

  17. 1

    I'm impressed by the idea's potential to revolutionize user engagement.

    1. 1

      Me too Prem, you also work great :)

  18. 1

    What other social media platforms have you found helpful for marketing?

    1. 1

      PH and LinkedIn cold outreach works well.

  19. 1

    Did you get any sales or just views?

    1. 1

      Yeah, 49 sign-ups and 13 sales of LTD.

  20. 1

    We see the same on X. I believe the exposure of your posts have more to do with the success you've shared, not necessarily the content itself. On Reddit and X, people often have a knee-jerk reaction to positive and negative news. When positive news comes in a quantified form, it gives them a sense of hope, that the same would be possible for them. Some abuse this particular method and make false claims, to draw in people. In your case, the building in public angle combined with a result you generated did well for you.

    1. 1

      Truly, in the community people love to hear about a success story rather than a failure story.

  21. 1

    I see you used slightly different headlines. Do you think that makes an impact as well?

    1. 2

      Agreed! In r/startups I was asking for some suggestions while sharing my product. On the other hand, I just shared my achievement with the community.

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