First it was Clubhouse, now NFTs. What's next?

Hey IH,

Just wanted to have a small open discussion on this post on indiehacker trends.

Back in January/February, Clubhouse was "the craze".

Recently - and still now - NFT's are pretty popular.

Do we know what will come next?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

  1. 2

    Can't wait to find out ;)

  2. 2

    It's interesting cause these are actual trends, but none of my friends have even heard about them (not NFTs and definitely not about Clubhouse). This brought me to some thoughts: there will probably be trending people / projects / whatever on very different niches / spaces that we are not aware of. Trends that are (and maybe will always be) out of the indie radar that however could be super interesting and lead to profitable products.

    What's your thoughts?

    1. 2

      Same here, I’ve tried explaining both NFTs and Clubhouse to my older brother and he doesn’t understand it one bit. 🤣

      That’s another great plus to this community 👍

  3. 2

    Looking at the motivations...

    The reason Clubhouse popped was because everyone is stuck at home, but people still have a need to interact and network. It filled the gap from conferences & bars & etc.

    Now, vaccination and herd immunity is really close. Like a few months. Some states are already opening up vaccine appointments to every adult.

    So one of the next big themes is being in person. Predictable things that will happen are a boom of tourist travel and conferences coming back in a big way. But I think people will be so jazzed about being in person that we might see some creative new socialization that's facilitated by apps. New kinds of structured & unstructured meetups, gatherings, chats, clubs, etc. Maybe instead of flash mobs there are "flash meetups" for a certain topic at your local coffee place. Imagine the in-person equivalent of Clubhouse basically.

    1. 1

      So true. In person is truly on the rise, and harnessing that right audience could bring anyone on the right foot to start.

      Btw, I love that idea of “flash meetups”. So cool!

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