Question from a newbie

Hi All, happy to be a part of this group!

I know a bit of ML theory, but I've never done any ML-related project. I'm really interested in NLP and want to start with something relatively simple, but my knowledge here is even less than, say, image recognition.

My question is about summarization. I have several ideas that are based on taking a short (a sentence or two) text and getting its "sense", whatever it means in NLP. For example:

  • take a number of records (feedback or forum posts) and group them by feature/problem (e.g. these support requests are in the "problems with login" group, these posts are "looking for a tool that can do xxx");

  • take a text of a social media post and suggest hashtags;

  • create a searchable database of controversial claims with fact-checking.

My question is, which libraries I should look into to start playing with it? Do I have to learn Python or I can stay with Javascript? C#?

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    Hi, you should definitevely move into Python. Regarding text summarization, maybe if you are new to this you won't be able to understand this but I'll leave it here https://paperswithcode.com/task/text-summarization

    Text summarization is a common problem to be solved in the ML community, so I'd recommend you study more about ML and NLP first and you could then jump into the link I provided before.

  2. 1

    Any chance you want to work on a content moderation group project together?

    1. 1

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