Carrd Course

When you are launching simple websites if you are testing your ideas or just a simple website, it should not painful 😣.

We've used all these web-builders:

→ Webflow: Great for designers but expensive for a simple landing page. It also costs upwards of $150/year.
→ WordPress: Too hard to customise for a simple webpage. too many plugins, domains, hosting and more to deal with. It costs upwards of $15/month minimum.
→ Squarespace: Beautiful experience to make your own websites and launch them but when you are just getting a basic website up and running it costs $29/mo.

How about Carrd?

Carrd allows you to launch your website with enough customisation and accept payments via Stripe with less than $19/year which include 10 websites

At Nocoloco, in less than 100 USD per year, we run 50 plus sites(and some more for our clients), that is the power of Carrd.

Learn the secrets on how we did that in our course.
Here’s what you get in the course for $49:
✅ Lifetime Access
✅ 4 Hours of In-depth Tutorials.
✅ 6+ Detailed Case Studies.
✅ 25+ Curated Carrd Resources ($100 value).
✅ 5+ Mini Guides on using Carrd well.
✅ 20% Coupon of Yearly Carrd Subscription.

Carrd made it super easy for us to test, iterate and get started with a low $ cost. Even the current course website is done in less than 4 hours including design changes! 🔥

Pre-order the course now → http://course-of.carrd.co

  1. 2

    Very well designed Carrd site! Love it :)

    1. 1

      Thank you Jason! :)

  2. 2

    This is super interesting. You're using Carrd to create a course to teach others how to create Carrd sites. The next step is for someone to take your Carrd course, create another Carrd site, selling their course on how to build Carrd website. And so on... recursion!

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