Recommendations for a live chat tool to integrate to a platform

Hi there!

I'm currently developing a SaaS B2B platform for the real estate industry and I'm interested in integrating a live chat feature into our offering. While there are several services available, such as Intercom and Tawk.to, I've come to know that these services cannot be used for resale.

Could anyone provide recommendations on libraries or alternative services that can be used for this purpose?

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    Open Source:

    White Lable:

    I haven't used any of them, just wanted to throw in some that I heard about.

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      I will check them out and post which solution I find is the best

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    maybe Socket io can help your with that or SendBird

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      This look like something that could be useful!

      I will check out them more in detail...


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    I know siteGPT ( sitegpt.ai ) but I don't know if would be useful for you.

    I hope it help.

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      Thanks, looks like a cool tool!

      Unfortunately I'm looking for something that can be used by seller agents.

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    You can implement Chatio.ai on their website so the AI does the heavy lifting and they don't need to spend time answering support questions.

    *Disclosure: I'm the founder of Chatio.

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    I am the co-founder of ChatKitty. I believe our solution can greatly assist you with your chat use case. We are a chat API solution company similar to CometChat and Sendbird. However, our solution specializes in multi-tenancy, allowing you to resell it to your clients under your own plan. If you would like to learn more, I can provide you with a demo of our solution. 😊

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