Finding and managing clients on autopilot by using free software and a feed reader

What long term freelancers and remote workers won’t tell you.

Freelancing for 10 years toughens a person up. Just after you start "living la vida loca” it's all sunshine and roses with clients paying on time, jobs in and jobs out. Then the bumps in the road come - problem customers, unending revisions, basically anything that prevents the output of quality work.

Doesn’t matter if you freelance or side work in DEV, Marketing, Copy, Graphic Design, VA etc. Too many of those horror situations (which will happen eventually) tip the scale to a point where you resent freelancing, resent clients, and end up resenting yourself.

What successful freelancers and remote workers will tell you

The freelancer who stays sane and is actually successful will tell you that to achieve this
systems need to be put in place. Project management software, sales funnels, paid ads, marketing can all streamline and do the heavy lifting and let you create and get on with the work.

It's all paid though. Even at its most cost effective you’d struggle to keep that suite under $100 a month.

Set up your own systems and it’ll give an infinite ROI

Use Notion and a feedreader like Feedbin and you won’t have to even look for work as leads will be delivered to you every single day. Configure those two and this will happen:

No more running from job to job trying to keep the wolves from the door
Admin and operational hours slashed = more free time for friends and family
Increased revenue because you have the ability to pick and choose better paying projects
Reduction in freelancing hours as quality clients found will pay more

How the system works

  1. Leads, projects opportunities and gigs can be collected automatically via Google, hidden platforms like applicant tracking systems, job boards, social media and more by way of RSS.

  2. Leads are focused and gleaned automatically to ensure only quality jobs and work is streamed to the freelancers RSS reader

  3. Immediately after freelancer lands the job a client portal and relevant documents and templates are generated in a couple of clicks in Notion.

  4. Freelancer sends a single link to onboard client into the portal while and project details can populated over multiples docs instantly.

  5. All communication, collaboration and delivered work takes place in the portal. Happy Client. Happy Freelancer.

That's a system that I've built into Fuelance. And I wish I had it when freelancing. (You may have seen me posting about it a while back. I intended to launch it about 7 months ago but burnout happened. I needed some time out).

But that's the bare bones of how a successful freelancing outfit should work. The dashboard and system pack also includes 50+ Templates & Docs that freelancers would ever need. Presentations, Invoices, Portfolios, Payments Summary, Credit Note, Meeting Notes, Project Tracker, Project Schedule and much, much more.

To make sure that freelancer wins the work there's also step by step guides to turn prospects into paying customers with cold email outreach, pitch templates along with tools and resources.

I launched Fuelance yesterday and its available at https://hansolopreneur.gumroad.com/l/ktxfX

If you get any use out of it then jump in as its discounted by 50% for indie hackers and for a short time $35. Just use code IH50.

If there's anything you think should be added to be added let me know.

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