Constructive feedback request: Pathlib

Hello, my fellow indie hacker and Pythonista!

Over the last couple of years, I've really seen a huge benefit of using the pathlib module in the standard library. It's one of those things where I think I heard about it when it was new, back in python 3.4, but I didn't understand the documentation.

Since then, I slowly started using it, and now, I'm a proponent of it. I'm helping my coworkers to see the value of it, and it's so wonderful to see light bulbs turn on in their heads.

Anyway, I'm starting my indie initiative with pathlib resources, and I want some constructive feedback.

The two resources are:

  • Pathlib Field Notes: a slightly-longer-than-a-blog-post introduction to pathlib
  • Pathlib Cheat Sheet: A Path() object has over 40 attributes, and I kept forgetting about them. So I made this to find the one I need.

Most people say they like them, but I would really value something constructive.

Thank you!

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