Finding Advertisers For Your Newsletters

Excited to say I've officially launched AdCove, a platform connecting premium niche audiences to advertisers.

I'm currently focused on converting our waitlist of audience owners onto the platform and would love to open up this beta to the wider IH community.

You can signup and list your audience completely for free at adcove.io/sign-up

Starting next week we'll focus on bringing more advertisers onto the platform to bring in revenue for us and our audience owners.

posted to
Newsletter Crew
on January 25, 2023
  1. 2

    Sounds like a great idea, as a potential advertiser, I'm definitely interested! However, you should mention the annual subscription cost on the pricing page.

    Right now, it only appears after you sign up, but the total cost per year should be shown before I sign up that being said. Also, is there a monthly subscription available instead of an annual one? I would like to try it out for a month or so before committing to a full annual plan.

    1. 1

      Hi Silvia! Thanks for the kind words.

      The annual subscription cost for advertisers is on the pricing page. Right now the $199 is a promotional rate as we get started. In a couple months ideally we'll update it to monthly and annually, likely at $40 a month and $350 per year.

      With that being said, I'm happy to offer you (and the rest of IH) 80% off the first year with code ADVERTISER80 at checkout. Partially as a token of my gratitude for the support, but also we're still working on building out our audience inventory so it may not be so useful for the first little while.

      1. 1

        Hi Cody,
        Thanks very much, I'm definitely interested in this. Do you have many newsletters/niche audiences related to web development or frontend development at the moment? Or niche audiences including indie makers wanting to create their own sites, etc.

        1. 1

          Hey Silvi! Apologies for the slow reply.

          Not at the moment, but I do have a few that meet that description that joined the waitlist, that have yet to sign up (one being DemandCurve, arguably on of the biggest growth newsletters for indie makers).

          I'm also launching on ProductHunt next week which could possibly bring more in.

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