Low-code platform feedback

Hello Indie Hackers!

A few weeks ago, I launched Arbiter(https://arbiterproject.io/), a low-code platform that allows users to quickly and easily build integrations, automations, and decision-making workflows. The platform is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, while also being powerful and extensible enough to handle complex tasks.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback you can provide, whether it's positive or negative ;)

Thanks for your time and help!

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    Congratulations on launching the platform!

    I strongly believe that growth comes from feedback, and outstanding growth comes from negative feedback :)

    1. The dashboard UI is good.

    2. Users should be able to play with the dashboard without logging in.

    3. Explain on the landing page why a business would need this product in the first place.

    4. Create a YouTube channel and publish product demos, tutorials there.

    5. Need about-us page.

    6. Who is your ideal user?

    7. What kind of automation are we talking about?

    8. How exactly will it help me make a complex decision? Can you explain a real-world situation that everyone can relate to?

    9. How is this product optimized for reliability compared to other similar products? Can you show the difference with an example?

    10. Publish some interviews with your customers.

    11. Can you explain the pain points you are trying to address to a five-year-old?

    I hope this helps. All the best!

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      Thank you for your feedback! I completely agree that negative feedback is the most valuable. Your recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thank you again! :)

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