Lets Support Each Others Startup

Hi everyone, Let's support each other.

Here is our free lead generation tool optinmagic.io that can help businesses grow more efficiently. Convert your visitors to customers with optinmagic.

Share your startup. Will definitely support.

  1. 2

    This is an awesome idea. Would love to start a group for "shopping indie" vs shopping local. We all have products and we all pay for software, may as well support each other

  2. 2

    Hey. I am working on SaaS Agreements (saasagreements.co) a simple privacy policy generator for SaaS startups. Pay one-time fee for lifetime access and free modifications.

  3. 2

    Thanks for posting this. We’ve launched 2 mobile apps over the past few months.

    We had both apps chart in the top 10 for their categories on launch but much slower progress since.

    Exploring new apps or SaaS ideas to build next. Great to see the successes here too.

    1. 1

      Interesting Products. All the best.

  4. 2

    Hey. Im currently working on a Shopify Alternative that is aimed at small to medium businesses looking to take their first steps in ecommerce.

    Its built around the whole shop being editable through drag and drop or direct wysiwyg.

    I've been working on this for around a year now. The whole platform works and the user journey from start to finish (Launch shop -> Add products -> Take order payments). Im just trying to get through the legal hurdles of the SaaS side.

    1. 2

      That is great. All the best.

    2. 1

      Could you explain how this is different from just using Shopify itself? I'm not sure I'm understanding what USP you have for small businesses.

  5. 2

    Hi! My team and I are excited to share our startup, Workarise, with you. Our platform is designed to help businesses streamline their operations by providing them with the necessary project management and communication tools. Our goal is to empower business owners and managers with an all-in-one solution that simplifies project management and communication, enabling them to achieve their goals more effectively.

    If you're interested in learning more about Workarise or trying out our platform, please visit our website at https://workarise.com/. We'd be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with a demo of our platform. And if you know anyone who might benefit from our platform, we'd be grateful if you could spread the word about Workarise.

    Thank you for your support, and we look forward to helping businesses succeed with Workarise!

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