Is anyone using Vimeo's new screen recording service?

Been using Loom for ages to do screen-share messages but it stopped working the other day.

Oh, and I can never remember how to stop the darn thing recording!

Then Vimeo launched their screen-recording software, it just seems so much better. Is anyone else using it?

Cracked out this little gem yesterday to send to our waitlist:


Can any pro video people give me some tips on making this better? Assume you're talking to an idiot because, in some respects, you are.


  1. 1

    Nice! I switched to OBS after the big Loom pricing update, but it's not as easy to share those videos.

    Your video is fine -- I would work on raising your camera a bit (it's weird when your hands come into frame to type). Maybe a bit of fill lighting but really not necessary (removes some of the harshness of shadows).

    1. 1

      Thank you for these ideas. The camera is built into the bar underneath my laptop screen, it's such a weird place for it to be. I think an external video input is probably the answer.

  2. 1

    Oh interesting, I didn't realise they had one.

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