Coder/Artist/Dad - Launched an app that hit #12 Overall Free iPad apps in the US

Hi all!

Peter from Toronto, currently data visualization @ Ontario government, formerly Sago Mini & Xtreme Labs.

I've been indie hacking for awhile (without realizing it 😉), with some interesting results. In 2013, I launched Draw This App on the iPad app store, without much of a plan, it was something I hacked together over a few months. Almost overnight it hit #12 overall free iPad app in the US and #1 in the free education category. It was a rush, and great learning experience, but I didn't have any monetization plan, so I wasn't really able to profit much from it's success.

Fast forward a few years, and I re-built the product as a book series - a format which I think works better. I put it up on the Amazon store, but never took the time to market it!

Some of the books

I checked in on the books tonight, for the first time in years, and I actually sold 21 copies over the last couple years somehow! Overall I still think it's a solid concept, now I need to come up with a marketing plan. Any suggestions of where to start? So far all I've got is make a good landing page, and post it to product hunt.

posted to
on February 20, 2021
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