Coders using chatGPT?

Started using chatGPT in some productivity-enhancing ways for software dev and it's frankly incredible. Already hooked up a lot of great tools really quickly and there's so many more ideas out there. My goal is to become one of those 10x-turned-1000x devs that the podcasters talk about.

ANYWAY, the question I wanted to ask, anyone know if there are communities or subgroups out there specifically for software devs using GPT? Most of the GPT related content out there is folks using it for content creation / nocode / bizdev / etc.

If I started organizing a "show and tell" Zoom call for coders using GPT this way would there be any interest?

  1. 1

    Yep, that's a pretty hot topic now

  2. 0

    How much are you getting paid to promote it?

    1. 1

      it's crazy to me that you think they would need to hire stealth PR shills. Everyone's talking about their thing anyway.

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