Collaborate with team & clients on multiple web projects - more efficiently using this newly launched tool

Tired of clarifying website issues to your development team?
Tired of bridging the gap between client expectations & developer confusion?

Now there's a simpler solution to all your web development and quality assurance workflow.

Now you, Take all your website stakeholders where the action happens - your live website

  • and log issues with automatic screenshot capturing and uploading - all of this done within seconds.

Best part? you can use the native project management feature within our tool or you can integrate it with your existing project management software like JIRA, Asana etc to use it with your existing PM tools.

Sounds interesting? We are offering a free trial so Try it free yourself ( https://iterationx.io) and see how you can leverage the tool to build better websites more efficiently leveraging collaboration from all your stakeholders.

  • Team IterationX
posted to Icon for group Web Development
Web Development
on May 4, 2023
  1. 1

    love it! i used a different tool so far which was expensive and honestly not that good. yours seems much better

    1. 1

      Curious, What tool were you using previously?

        1. 1


          By the way, Do you have an email where I can reach out to you to understand more about your work and your experience with IterationX?

          Alternatively, you can reach out to me at [email protected].

          Team IterationX

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