Communities for YouTube/Video Creators?


I started a YT channel a couple months back. Still growing and learning each and every day.

Are there any good communities for YouTube/video creators that you're a part of?


posted to
on June 28, 2021
  1. 3

    More of makers and writers for now but soon with video creators too https://viralwegrow.com/ :)

    1. 1

      I like the mission - resonates with me!

  2. 3

    https://reddit.com/r/newtubers I feel is fairly accessible and helpful!

    1. 1

      have to check, thanks for sharing

    2. 1

      Love it! Thanks for the rec :)

  3. 1

    I'd say, first ask yourself, who do your videos help? / who is your target market? and then find communities around them. I feel like that's more likely to be fruitful than joining broad communities.

    1. 1

      100% agree with this! I was more so looking for communities around YouTube/video creators rather than communities of people in my niche specifically. Communities of video/content creators sharing tips, tricks, tools, that sort of thing! But I hear ya on the communities around my niche specifically - also very important!

      1. 2

        Oh!, yea, that makes sense. I am in r/youtubers, sometimes people post interesting stuff there. Although, I don't really consume as much content on reddit, most of the times I make a post on a relevant topic or answer a couple of questions here and there.

        1. 1

          will add r/youtubers to my reddit addiction, thanks! :)

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