Competing with a substitute? 📌 Here are 4 ad examples you can use [from TOP to BOTTOM of funnel]

1. Problem-solution awareness [AWARENESS]


Side-by-side presentation of your product and the substitute to showcase the main difference (your product’s superiority).

Pose questions to encourage reflection and critical thinking. Lead them to the desired conclusion - realization that there’s a better way. And finally, promise them a benefit/outcome to entice them to click through.

2. Resource download [AWARENESS/CONSIDERATION]


Pose a question in the visual’s headline to spark curiosity. The question itself should hint at the possibility of a change (of a better way of doing things).

Use powerful illustrations that bring your headline to life. And complement them with bold colors to make a scroll-stopping and engaging ad.

In the CTA, use a catchy line to highlight the change you imply. Use literary devices to make it stand out.

3. Book a demo [CONVERSION]


Use an impactful fact in the ad visual to create FOMO. Then emphasize the benefits of choosing the new solution to amplify the fear and encourage them to take the next step.

Include photos of people to complement the text and add visual interest.

4. Start free trial [CONVERSION]


Make your case against the substitute solution using a humouristic metaphor. Make your creative memorable, modern and engaging - in line with the change and improvement you’re promising.

Don’t forget about clarity. State your product category, call out your buyer persona and specify your offer. Otherwise, the prospect can easily get lost in the metaphor.

🔗 For more B2B ads and breakdowns visit Adfolio

posted to
on April 29, 2024
  1. 2

    I just bookmarked this post. Great breakdown, Andrea!

    The humorous metaphor really resonates with my past ad campaigns; it did drive more conversions and engagements.

    1. 1

      That's great, thank you!!

      I appreciate you sharing your insights. Was your campaign also b2b?

      I believe that a little bit of humor as long as it's in line with your brand voice can have a positive impact. But you always need to test & experiment first :)

      1. 2

        Yup! I've also worked with DTC and B2C companies and we tested a lot of creatives until finding the winning ones.

        By the way, love what you did with Adfolio! I'm diving into the ad creative design right now and finding Adfolio is such a gem.

        I got tons of inspirations. Keep it up!

        1. 2

          Nice! There's lots of great practices in DTC/B2C that can inspire B2B campaigns.

          So glad to hear that, thanks for the encouraging words 🙌

  2. 1

    Incorporating some humor, as long as it aligns with your brand voice, can yield positive results. However, it's crucial to conduct testing and experimentation beforehand to gauge its effectiveness.

  3. 1

    Already told you I love this post, great job!

    1. 1

      Thank you! Appreciate your support 😎

  4. 0

    Sounds GPT but - good share ❤️

    1. 1

      Well, it's not, it's completely my work and I stand behind it.

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