Contacting Enterprise Level Advertisers

TLDR: How do you identify the specific person/department to contact when seeking direct ads for your site/podcast/newsletter from enterprise level advertisers?

Has anybody had experience targeting and directly contacting companies to advertise on your website/podcast/newsletter?

I am getting close to a more finished product for Eurotripr.com and want to start a podcast and newsletter to help people plan trips to Europe. I have a very small newsletter list, and zero audience at the moment. I get that this is not yet attractive to advertisers and that is ok.

I have identified a list of 100+ potential enterprise level companies that would make good advertisers/sponsors for my newsletter/podcast/website. I am no stranger to Cold Calling / Cold Emailing. And I view all sales as a numbers game with a guaranteed favorable outcome as long as you keep filling the funnel.

My Question is how to identify the proper person (ie Marketing Manager) at a given company to target communications/requests to? Do any of you have advice on targeting the proper decision maker directly?

I know in some of his talks and podcasts, @csallen has mentioned once he knew who to contact and how it was like the "cheat codes were turned on". I'm trying to prep for a "dialing/emailing for dollars" marathon once I get a small audience of reader/visitors/listeners and was hoping someone here had a little advice.


posted to
on April 13, 2023
  1. 1

    Great product! Congratulations on the launch🚀

    1. 1

      It's a work in progress. It's unfinished, but I broke my local dev environment so have been working on the live in an unfinished state.

      But, thank you very much.

  2. 1

    Super helpful for the people community.

  3. 1

    There are sites that leverage LinkedIn to get you the leads/information that you want.

    1. 1

      Can you recommend any. I've googled but must be asking the wrong query because i am not finding anything useful.

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