Created another awesome Carrd site 😄

Had another clone job to do, this one was a bit different because he sent screenshot of certain parts of 2 different websites.

Managed to create something nice in the end either way.
Probably one of the Carrd sites that I'm the most happy with :)
I just like the simplicity of it & the color scheme, it's 🔥.

Here's the Carrd site: https://flightflight.carrd.co/

I've seen some people mention it before, but the idea behind https://landingpageclone.com/ is that you will get a whole layout/style done for you into Carrd. Some types of layouts could be hard to do, or some people just don't have time to build it out in Carrd.
OFC, you have to switch out the pictures and all the other copyrighted stuff afterwards... 😅

  1. 2

    Martin i love all of your designs! and i'm hugely inspired by all of them. You see, there is one thing that bothers me since i reached your site, is https://landingpageclone.com/ and https://drrac.co/ built on Carrd? And if so, how do you create all those "cards" where the sites templates are displayed with the buy and view button? Just like the section next to the How it works section in this flightflight site. Ive tried with the container but don't know (ironically) how to give a card style to it.

    1. 2

      Yes, all of the sites (including drrac.co + landingpageclone.com) is built in Carrd.

      It's a bit complicated to describe but it's basically added CSS styling to a text block.
      I.E background: #ffffff; + border etc..

      It's easiest for you to see if you get one of the templates, then you can look at all the ins and outs of how to create it. :)

      1. 2

        Thank you Martin!, I've been wishing to buy a template since day one but I want to be able to afford the ProPlus with my first client before that :), it will be a matter of time, but Ty again, you really are pushing Carrd to it's limits

  2. 2

    Amazing templates on Dracc. Wondering if you could create a 'Coming soon' landing page template with email subscription + count down timer. Would really help. Terrific work by the way!

    1. 1

      Thanks so much!

      Hmm, yeah this is actually a good idea. I will create something like this. But have a lot of other work to do before that, but will put it on the to do list. :)

    1. 1

      Thank you Ben! :)

  3. 2

    Great work! and yeah that drop down FAQ is awesome!

    1. 1

      Thanks, happy to hear you like it

      1. 1

        Yeah man, if that ends up in a new template, I'll be sure to get it when I buy another batch.

        1. 1

          Cool, yeah I think I will modify some of these landingpageclones that I've done into templates.

          Will be releasing more templates soon, but just have to fix so much other stufff before that 😅

  4. 2

    Looks great.

    Digging the dropdown FAQ section.

    1. 1

      Thank you, a bit tricky to get it set up but I think it looks good in the end :)

  5. 1

    Why is everything so big? (on a 4k screen at least)

    1. 1

      Hmm could you send me a screenshot of it on Twitter?

      1. 1

        Sure, will do.

  6. 1

    I've only just noticed Drrac is Carrd backwards. Haha, I like it.

    1. 1

      Hahahah yeah, I'm surprised more people don't see it earlier, usually takes some time 😅

      Name came from a lack of imagination... 😜

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