Creating multi-language themes

Hey fellow Ghost users 👋

I spent some time setting up a multi-language theme for myself, and it was a bit of a PITA.

I did a small writeup about how to do it here: https://www.usepine.com/blog/en/creating-a-multi-language-theme/

If you're looking to create a theme that supports multiple languages at the same time (as opposed to a localized theme with a single language), maybe it can be useful.

There is also an example theme that you can grab off of GitHub, and pick apart for some inspiration.

posted to
on February 13, 2021
  1. 2

    I've been on the look out for a multilingual ghost theme for quite a long time, thanks a lot Jānis for this detailed blog post on how you did it and for open sourcing your fork. I see the flag appears on the article, a nice enhancement would be a dropdown with all the available languages on the top right nav bar (next to dark mode) but that's just my humble opinion.

    1. 2

      Thanks for your feedback.

      That's not a bad idea at all, I didn't think of that. But ultimately I intended it more as an example of how one might do it themselves.

  2. 1

    Wow, that can be really useful for some people, thank you! But I think that theme with a single language has its benefits. For example, when I was learning Spanish at https://livexp.com/skills/spanish, my teacher told me to set the setting on my phone to a different language, so I learned some vocabulary unconsciously.

  3. 1

    great! Thanks for sharing

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