Customer Support Strategies for Small Teams?

As my latest project has grown, we’ve started receiving 10+ customer support tickets pay. My cofounder and I feel as if we can't keep up.

We've hired a VA out of Bangladesh who handles ~80% of the volume for us. But a lot of it is really repetitive and it’s starting to exceed his bandwidth as well.

Furthermore, if he can’t handle a ticket on his own then he ends up escalating it to us. Even 2-5 tickets a day can be quite time consuming if additional research, refunds, etc are required.

Finally I'm concerned that by outsourcing support we are missing common feedback and issues from our community. Does anyone have a solid solution to these pain points that they are willing to share?

  1. 1

    Awesome Job on the growth!! I would also consider build a customer facing knowledge base that would definitely be helpful. Please feel free to checkout www.motivware.com. its a work in progress. But I'd love to chat to get your feedback.

  2. 1

    Congrats to you growth!!! BTW do you find any solution to these pain point? Have you try chatbot?

  3. 1

    🚀 Impressive growth! 🙌 Dealing with customer support challenges can be overwhelming, but kudos on hiring a VA to handle a significant part of it! Have you considered AI-powered chatbots to handle repetitive queries? 🤖 They can ease the burden and ensure better scalability while keeping you connected with your community! 🌟

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