Is your product really a "product"?

We all know the term "product". Almost everywhere mentioned in the entrepreneurial texts.
But how do you classify if it's a product? Does it depend on the amount of value it provides? or does it always have to be automated to be just even considered as a product?

Everyone has their own dictionary for it.
Well for me, everything that can be sold (free/paid) is a product. Isn't it?

Now, past week, I was making a wallpaper pack to put on my online store just to make a kickstart, (btw, it'll be free). Me as a overly excited person told some of my colleagues, "hey! I'm going to put first ever product on my store - A high quality wallpaper pack.
Two of them said, "You don't know what a product is. Do you?" and "Wallpaper pack ain't a product bro 😂"

I got really confused and shocked at the same time of what they said, like does something always have to be a breakthrough to qualify as a product. They're doing pretty well in their respective fields (employes at reputable companies). that's why I didn't took their opinion lightly and thought of sharing it here.

I trust my Indie community, so what are your opinion on it? And what does qualify as a product in your terms?

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    It is a product as it is available on your store where people can download/purchase it, whether few or many people use it it is still considered a product! In my opinion and not trying to judge your colleagues but I think it just sounds like they were trying to put you down as maybe in their mind they thought that no one would purchase a wallpaper pack, or in their eyes they didn't see the value of it, just my honest opinion going off what I read. Don't let that get you down though and keep at it !

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      Yea, I appreciate your words of encouragement.
      Wallpaper pack, it just seems a tiny tiny word in front of big products like a CRM platform, an AI tool, etc, but there are many enthusiasts that wants to decorate their homescreen with custom wallpapers and I just made it out of passion of giving something to the people. Not that I want to drive crazy traffic or peaking revenue from it, I'm gonna keep it free(not inferior), just so I will help others not wasting time finding and generating some category wallpapers.
      Maybe you noticed, I even said to them "first ever product".
      But some people will find a way to discourage others.

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    I guess anything that can be 'purchased' and doesn't require another human to intervene for the 'value' to be provided, qualifies as a product in my books.

    My definition doesn't include the actions needed for delivering the thing that is going to provide the value proposition (aka packaging, handling etc) but it does exclude anything 'customizable' and obviously anything service like (cause then, an actual human is required to provide the value).

    You could argue that certain 'products' can allow for 'minor involvement' of the creator, eg a 'customized t-shirt', but that's just the gray area between a product and a service.

    Isn't a tweezer a product? A car? A sheet of paper (they do package them in the thousands though)? A wallpaper pack? Definitely.

    I am so curious what your friends think a 'product' is. They do sound quite sure of themselves 🤣

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      Thanks for the insight, Kyriakos.
      Really not sure what they were on! But them being sitting at a good position in the top companies, I was giving a heavy weight to their "opinions". I didn't made any comment from my side at that moment, just changed the subject then.
      But later I thought about it too much and decided to share it here.
      Thanks again 🫡

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