1000+ signups on 10th day of Launch. AMA

Just few days ago. I posted this: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/700-applicants-signups-in-1st-week-2fd06bb946

Now, we are at 1100+ signups. How? By sending the right message to the customers and helping them in their journey to talk with employers before they start interview process.

We just focused on 3 channels. LinkedIn, Reddit and Twitter. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about it.

  1. 2

    So, "sending the right message" means you sending cold emails and messages?

    1. 1

      Nope. When we talk with a user, we communicate what we provide. Here 'Talk' can be defined as chatting with use, commenting on their post / requirement or anything else.

      We haven't started sending bulk cold emails or DMs yet. We are still trying different messages to see which top 3 messages can work best for us.

  2. 2

    Hey, congrats on this. I have a few questions:

    • How did these customers find you? Did you reach out to them all of them personally? Or did you use ads, etc?
    • Could you go more into detail about the 3 platforms, how you utilized them, and the biggest advantage for each?

    Appreciate it!

    1. 1
      1. No ads. No cold emails. We did reach out to users on LI, Reddit and some on Twitter. LI and Reddit worked well for us. But users shared with their friends and groups (may be). May be lucky. But we got more signups.
      2. LI - comments, connect request and post of very few groups worked for us.
        Reddit - comments and post
        Twitter - Twitter list and very few Replies
  3. 2

    I don't understand what you mean by shadowing.
    And I did look on your website

    1. 1

      Shadowing is the practice of following and observing someone closely to learn on-the-job tasks, routines, responsibilities, and practices.

      For now, we are applying shadowing concept to hiring phase. Eventually, we will apply it to onboarding and many other phases in employee-company journey.

      This might help you to understand more about Shadowing: https://shadowing.ai/what_is_shadowing

      1. 1

        Interesting... While in theory this sounds interesting, I'm curious how it'll actually happen in practice.

        What does it mean for a company to hire "through shadowing"? Just have someone follow his colleague for a week wherever he/she goes?

        1. 2

          Yes. but not for a week though. There is a process to follow that we have created for Shadowing. There are many questions in Shadowing that we solve through our product - like, how many people can do Shadowing at a time? for which position? how? what documents company need to prepare?

          The goal is also to know more about culture, team values that fits the talent.

  4. 2

    how many emails in the waiting list did you have?

    1. 1

      I had more companies in the waiting list than applicants. :) :) :)
      I had more customer interviews for companies and they all opt-in.
      Companies : 50+
      Applicants: 20+

  5. 1

    Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Here are some questions:

    1. How did you decide on those 3 channels? What was your thought process/decision looked like?
    2. What is "right message" for you? How do you decide if it is the right message?
    3. Can you share a few quintessential examples of what you did?
    4. What was your actual target for the first 2 weeks? How did your results compare?
    5. What would you do differently? What did you learn along this process?
    1. 1

      Good questions again:

      1. We tried many channels. These 3 worked out. I knew intuitively that LI and Reddit will work. We wanted to try Twitter because I built few bots in past to find who posts about hiring on Twitter and there were many at that time, but now very few.
        Thought process: was to check the output. You gotta check whether you get page views or signups using any channel. If I don't get response in 2 days, I don't focus on that channel. In the first few days or weeks or months, I only want to focus on the channels where I will get the traffic from. For other channels, I will hire someone later to figure out why and how.
      2. Right message = clear message using <20 simple words. We found our right message after customer interviews processes. We tried many combinations and found which is easy for customers to understand. The way you can verify is to tell your users and see if they signup right away or within a day. I talked with customers for ~3 months before I finalized the flow and design.
      3. Examples: 1. Ask different questions / discuss same message using different words - to different customers groups. 2. I paid $5 to job seekers in 7 different countries - to take part in customer interviews and to find their core problems in finding a job using LI, Indeed or any other job websites in their respective countries (I found these 7 candidates through LI ;);) ) . 3. I sent an email to the founders in NY a day after they raised ~$15M in series A - about the mistakes they might make after raising series A. They loved it and they gave me 2 hours to take part in customer interview. 4. I did many things like this to find the early customers before and after customer interviews. I'd advise to think about your customers and then find the ways you can reach out to them even before you start working on product and even after you start working on the product. Just differently, but it always helps.
      4. My actual target for 1st month was 100k :). I only got 1% of it. There was no logic for 100k goal . I just wanted to push myself in the first month - to figure out other ways to reach that goal, not only marketing or reaching out, but what viral feature I can built to get 100k signups a day. I did this one of my previous startup of Facebook apps. I will know soon about the users I can get in 2nd month or 3rd month. I set target for myself to get 1M users by June, 2022 - for this I am working on few features and reaching out to the users at the same time. I talk with 10 random users every week. - why did they signup? what are their expectations?
      5. I'd talk with my users more If I'd do something differently. Some of the things I am learning from our new users are the almost similar to what users said in customer interviews. I am realizing this now. Sometimes you have to read and listen between the lines. We are working on those requirements now. We could have solve those problems in our 1st release. The learning here is: Talk more with your users and customers, however busy you are. Spend more time with them and they will tell you what to work on and how to reach to them.

      Hope this helps.
      Happy Holidays!!

      1. 2

        Sorry, I missed this. Amazing answer nonetheless. Thank you.

        I love how data-driven all your process was. I would go pretty similar if I was trying to do the same thing. Good stuff.

        1. 1

          Sure. Good luck in your journey.

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