How to get free Google Adwords coupons

I was trying to find how to get Adwords coupons the other day, so here's how you can get them.

You just have to copy the following url and replace [LOCALE] by your country locale :

For example :

You will notice the offers and amounts are not the same (For example, Spain has higher reward than other European countries)

Some countries unfortunately don't have offers.

  1. 1

    Thank you for sharing. I didn't know about this.

  2. 1

    Thanks for sharing! Now if only we could find the same for FB ads...

    1. 1

      I've never seen Facebook Ads coupons yet, but if anyone knows I'm interested too!

    2. 1

      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  3. 1

    This is great. Thank you for sharing.
    If anyone from NZ wondered, it's https://ads.google.com/intl/nz_nz/getstarted/

    There is also another way to get a coupon. Sign up, start creating an ad and then do not finish the process. Wait for a few days for the AI to try to convert you with a sweet offer you cannot refuse :-)

    1. 1

      Yes, also sometimes you just type "Google Adwords coupon" on Google and an ad with a coupon shows up :)

  4. 1

    I signed up without a coupon a few months ago and they sent me one by mail :-)

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