Where and how would you find clients if you were to start freelancing now?

What would you recommend for freelancers that are just starting out?
Looking forward to your suggestions

posted to
For Hire
on August 16, 2022
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    There are a few ways to find clients when you're starting out freelancing. You can start by networking with other professionals in your field, or by searching online job boards and freelancing websites. You can also reach out to businesses directly and offer your services. Once you have a few clients, you can start to build up a portfolio and reputation, which will make it easier to find more clients in the future.

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      Thank you so much for your comment. That is a piece of great advice.

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    Hey @TaToTen imagine instead you searching for freelance gigs, the gigs themselves appear into you inbox each week!

    Sounds amazing right? Well, Glyph is what you checkout.

    Glyph sends personalized freelance opportunities from all over the internet straight into your inboxes that allow freelancers to discover exciting opportunities from the comfort of their inboxes

    Check it out at: https://glyphleads.com

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    Before entering any freelance marketplace, I would strongly recommend doing some projects that demonstrate your skill set on your portfolio, and then you can surely dive into the marketplace.

    I freelanced on UpWork and did take up some local projects too. Within 6 months or so, I got a top-rated badge on my profile and that was my 1st milestone including making 1st thousand $. And thus I think I'm qualified up to some extent to answer this question.

    There are tons of sites you can start with:

    #UpWork.com (recommended)
    # Fiverr.com
    # PeoplePerHour.com
    # Freelancer.com

    After you land a successful gig, make sure to work hard on it and get an appealing testimonial. Testimonials flashes on your profile on most of the freelancing platforms when any prospect browses through your profile, so don't miss it.

    Good luck with your freelancing journey!

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