Who loves tea? 1st video about tea.

After a lot of work setting up the calendar, optimizing the topics, etc. I have finally published the first video: Loose Leaf Tea vs Tea Bag Tea

It would be great to hear any feedback about the video. I will publish 2 videos per week. This Friday I should upload the 2nd video, also related to tea.

Since I have to write a video script, I want to create a blog article about it. This is the article about Loose Leaf Tea vs Tea Bag Tea

I started cheap, filming everything with my phone, following @8bit approach in the guide. I think the result is good enough for now. Let's see in the future.

It feels great to be finally live.
Please let me know what you think!

  1. 1

    Amazing video I watched it completely very detailed guide and also the screenplay is impressive you can read some new things about tea kettles here.

    1. 2

      Thank you John !!

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