Can you advise good startup accelerators like YC?

Howdy, everyone! Can you recommend good startup accelerators for very early-stage startups?

I and @artdaw are working on Getlanding.io, an AI-based web application for automatic generating landing pages.

Currently, we're working on our MVP and getting potential users on the waiting list. Our current traction is 80 subscribers on the waitlist. We're in the early stage.

We submitted the YC application a few weeks ago and want to apply for other accelerators.

Can you suggest other good startup accelerators with funding?

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    Great job on getting your product out there! I am not an expert in this field but if I am not mistaken YC are seeking startups that already have gained some traction. However, there are many pre-seed accelerators out there looking for great ideas like yours. After a quick search I found this list https://incubatorlist.com/best-startup-programs-offering-pre-seed-funding/, hope it helps and good luck :)

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      Thank you so much, Andreas. That's really helpful.

  2. 2

    You need to make sure to understand your goals, where are you based and what you are trying to achieve.
    Even though no-one says, your qualification and college graduation schools are key if you are first time founder, if not you need to show traction for a few years in your company before joining.

    There are a lot of list out there to help you find the right accelerator. This is another one https://www.airtable.com/universe/expz7TtvQXFRoA4rW/the-startup-studio-ecosystem?explore=true

    I would recommend you to read this post https://blog.teamcoach.es/startup-studios-incubators-and-accelerators/

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      Thank you, Diego. I owe you one. Much appreciated. 🙌

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