Feedback for ResearchPRO: a Notion-Chrome extension to 10x internet research productivity

Hi all -
I would love to get feedback, thoughts, and constructive criticism on my app currently under development: https://www.researchpro.club/.

What is it? -
A Notion-Chrome Extension to increase productivity when performing internet research.

How does it work? -
(1) You define a topic or category which buckets your web highlights and sources.
(2) As you're zooming through the web researching your topic, you can make highlights on any web page or article which instantly takes the highlight and original source and and syncs it to a notion page of your choosing in a bulleted list.
(3) When you're done, you can export all of the links associated with a given research "topic" into a Notion page as Bibliography.
For example, a highlight might look like:

  • "The Blockchain market is growing at 25% CAGR YOY in 2023 [reuters.com]

Whats the Painpoint?-
I used to do this ALL the time as analyst at an investment company. My bosses would say, go research X market and give us a detailed report by the end of the day. The first part of that process is compiling original sources and material. What I wanted was highlights on a website + the original source so that I could link and find everything. There are some tools out there that are pretty good, but none I've seen for Notion.
Let me know your thoughts!!! Honestly rules the day. Thanks guys. MUCH LOVE TO THE ENTREPRENEUR COMMUNITY

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