Share your Twitter! I'm making a list of indie SaaS people in Europe

Hey indie hacker!

I'm making a list of people building a SaaS who are based in Europe. 🌍
Is this you or do you know European indie hackers?

Let me know by commenting on this post or the thread on Twitter and I'll add you to the list. 😄

  1. 2

    Hey, one more person. We are developing a No-Code platform for building high-quality IT projects such as Websites, Landing & Micro pages, and online resumes. Soon, we will launch eCommerce. 😀

    My Twitter - @karolAndruszkow

    1. 2

      Never too late! You just bumped the list to 40/100. 🔥

  2. 2

    Hello 👋 One more for the list – twitter.com/samuellevy

    I'm working on indie.io

    1. 2

      Nice! I've added you to the list. 🥐

    1. 1

      Great, signed you up! 🤖

  3. 2

    I'm building Parthenon (getparthenon.com) a Symfony PHP SaaS boilerplate.

    I'm also doing a project where I'll build six SaaS applications in six months. So far I've started with repohealth.io which helps with GitHub actions such as slack notifications and triggering other builds as well as some other stuff.

    my twitter is https://twitter.com/TheSaaSDev

    1. 1

      Awesome, good luck! Added you to the list. ✅

  4. 2

    We're building an open-source SaaS to deploy and switch to any cloud provider (AWS, Azure, GCP, ...) called Multy.


    1. 1

      You're on the list! 🙌🏻

    1. 1

      Glad to have you on the list! 🚀

  5. 2

    Building Squeaky, you can connect with me on twitter here https://twitter.com/codefreechris 😍

  6. 2

    Tweeting tips on bootstrapping SaaS, user acquisition, and marketing.


    1. 1

      Glad to have you on the list, Denis! 😄

  7. 2

    We're helping videographers to protect peoples identities in images and videos without hassle. I would be happy to receive some constructive feedback from you folks:

    Alex - Founder

    1. 1

      Interesting idea! You're on the list. 🚀

      1. 2

        thanks @zepfietje 🎊! We're still in discovery phase and getting feedback from our first customers. The first iteration of the mvp will launch ~August.

  8. 2

    If learning to program + creating web app design for my Idea counts: https://twitter.com/JustinKuijpers

    1. 2

      If your goal is to turn this idea into a SaaS, sure! 😀

      1. 2

        Definitely is, thanks! 😁

        1. 2

          Awesome, keep grinding! 💪🏻

    1. 1

      I've added you to the list! 🙌🏻

  9. 1

    Just went FT to work on ExportData and other ventures. Let's see if I can make it! 🤞


  10. 1

    We've built a no-code tool to create customized signup flows, and connect them with customer data sources so companies can handle every lead the right way in real-time and stop using lead forms.



  11. 1

    Hello! 👋

    Built & sold tippy.money this year, exploring the next project!


    1. 1

      Cool! Glad to have you on the list, Geordi. 😄

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