How do I get hired as a Webflow developer?

Hey Indiehackers,

I'm a 16 year old professional Webflow developer, and I'm currently on the hunt for a Webflow dev job.

I've tried applying jobs on Linkedin, Flowremote.io, and on other job sites, but haven't got hired yet...

I just rebuilt my portfolio site in Webflow. If you have any tips on how I could get hired as a Webflow developer, please comment below.

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    It is a great portfolio you have Josh!

    In my experience of working with clients now, I have found that they are looking for someone who is willing to put their best foot forward. The best practice I used was cold-emailing and including a free audit in the email to showcase to them the current issues on their site and how I could help improve that. The key is to provide value without expecting anything in return.

    Hope that helps :)

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      Got it. Yeah that's super helpful. Thanks.

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    I realised as a Webflow Developer that sometimes it's easier to network outside of your home. There is less noise than online & people are more open to new propositions if you're cool.

    You're 16 so I can't recommend you to go to afterwork events haha 😅 But definitely go to business/startup/sport events or think off where do your customer hang out offline (hint : ask your previous clients). You'll learn to build your people skills when addressing to people while having fun outside of home (Recommend the book : "How to win friends & influence people").

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    I dont have a ton of experience in this area of things, but it can always start with you doing buts if work with others, and getting referred to something bigger.

    It’s always nice to have a quick jump into things but sometimes ya gotta work your ways up.

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