Pain points of freelance software developers - A proposed solution

Hello everyone!
I'm trying to gather pain points of freelance software engineers as I'm planning to build a software for myself. I thought people might also be interested in similar solutions so yeah, feel free to share your thoughts here. I'd love to have a chat!

As a freelance software engineer I used to face some challenges. One of my biggest pain points was managing clients. I had to communicate in Facebook, WhatsApp, sometimes in the built-in chat of traditional freelancing platforms. All of it was quite a hassle. I also had to manage separate doc files with the software requirements, manage the changes and what not. On top of that, I wanted to ensure transparency and tried to provide the clients with a live demo of the current development state of the software (for web projects primarily) when possible.

Managing all of it was quite a pain in the bottoms 🙃. So I am trying to build something that I would use.

  • A single platform where you can communicate with your clients
  • Schedule and attend meetings
  • Manage all the requirements of the project
  • Let the clients know about the current development stage (whether it is simply showing the completed tasks/modules or giving a link to the live demo).

Please let me know if you'll be interested in such a software solution. Also as I've said before, feel free to share your thoughts and pain points as a freelance software developer.


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