“Techlash”: What It Is and Why It’s a Threat to Growth and Progress

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    All in all, this document reads to me like exactly the kind of lobbying propaganda that companies like Clearview would produce to stop face recognition from being related. Of course, we will delay a few useful applications because of it, but to the average consumer, not being treated like a commodity to be harvested for profit is more valuable than being able to unlock your door by staring into a camera.

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    Not a quick read, by any means! But it's nuanced and useful for understanding some of the ways people view tech products from the outside.

    Warning: some of these views are real head scratchers e.g.:

    "Tech critic Jaron Lanier even went so far as to say that because tech would destroy most jobs, people should earn a living by having companies pay them for using the Internet."

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      If you consider that Facebook got rich based off the content that their users donated to the platform for free, I believe it seems reasonable to now ask platforms like Facebook to pay for their users' content. I mean otherwise you're kind of disadvantaging traditional newspapers who still pay their employees and photographers..

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