Saving money on React.js UI development

Hey there!

My name is Vytautas and I'm the founder of a design/UI development app https://kubi.design.

I'm looking for founders who are planning to launch (or already launch but plans to extend) products and would like to save money on UI development.

As a bootstrapped founder I understand that in the early stages, every penny counts, and wherever I could save money, I would try to do so.

If you are building your product, chances are that you might go through the design and then code iteration, paying both designers and FE engineers to get the final result.

I'm offering my time and service to transform designs or get UI for your product (next.js / react) going in exchange for feedback and testimonials.

How do you currently deal with UI development? Do you do the coding yourself or pay someone for it? Maybe you use some tool?

If you are interested, please lemme know here or ping me via email: [email protected]

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