Growing your podcast by repurposing it into unique blog posts.

Hi everyone,

What are your go-to marketing strategies as a podcast creator?

I've noticed many podcasts I follow do not repurpose their content into shareable long-form and short-form blog/newsletter posts to drive more traffic to their pod.

They only seem to have transcripts, which are not shareable as growth marketing material.

And those that do probably spend a significant amount of time finding snippets to make blog content from and distributing it in the right places.

This makes me think that either it is time-consuming to create and distribute, you doubt the strategy will work, it never worked in the past, or you struggle to create unique content from it.

I'm curious to know which one it is?

I ask this because I've been using snippets of podcasts to grow The Growth Archive every week.

For example, I've listened to 1 episode of my first million, 'How I've sold $1 billion products Online' and curated just 2 minutes of their content about 'the first human elevator launch strategy' from their episode and customised it into my own case study post for r/Entrepreneur and got over 43k+ views.

That's only 2 minutes of content from an hour-long podcast that I turned into a powerful piece of written content.

So I thought, okay, let me try to create another story following the same strategy.

So i did this with John Deeres's YouTube video-style documentary that mentioned 'The Furrow', which they said was 'the first early signs of content marketing.

That gave me even more views and subscribers. 60.1k views, and 30+ subs.

All that traffic and subscribers could've led back to their podcast/recordingif they created content for blog post distribution instead of me

Recordings are wasting over 60% (trust the stat) of their full growth potential, especially interview-style content with much information thrown around.

This led me to open up a productised service, which is now in beta, where I repurpose recordings into shareable long-form blog posts and short-form pieces for content distribution at a significant discount of only $79.97

This is to create 1 long-form post around the main idea of the pod and 3 pieces of short-form material (with visuals).

Interested to hear any of your thoughts?

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