First 3 Customers, but Google Ads isn't working at all

Hi guys!

I've started a new service. Basically I search and call psychologists in Germany for end consumers and create a list of the psychologists who currently accept new clients. In Germany, most psychologists are way overbooked, because all insurances pay for a psychologist, if you happen to need one.

I sold the list for my hometown "Münster" in a 20-person mental health WhatsApp group. 3 out of 20 people bought the list for the town of "Münster" from me. So I made 80,-€ revenue and I think this shows that there is a demand (15% of people bought the list!).

Then I tried to create a Google Ads campaign. I spent 240€ and didn't even get a single purchase.

The website is https://alwaysopen.me
With the people from the WhatsApp group I didn't even use the website.

Do you have any ideas for me?

I think I might need a Marketing co-founder, so that we're in the end three co-founders:

  • A Marketing and/or Sales person (CMO/CSO)
  • A developer (CTO)
  • Me (product guy / CEO)
  1. 1

    Hi Moritz, vielleicht habe ich irgendetwas nicht verstanden, aber was ist der geldwerte Vorteil gegenüber Plattformen wie Doctolib? Abgesehen davon finde ich es ethisch zumindest diskussionswürdig, aus der Not hier ein Geschäftsmodell zu machen. Oder siehst du es einfach als zeitsparenden Service? Ich hatte für eine ähnliche Situation im Januar 2021 impftermin. berlin gestartet. Kostenlos für alle, mit Spendenmöglichkeit (machen natürlich nur wenige, aber bei hunderttausenden Nutzern kommt trotzdem einiges – steuerfrei – zusammen).

    1. 1

      Ich hab mal bei Doctolib nachgeschaut, dort sind völlig andere Personen aufgelistet als in den öffentlichen Registern. Und natürlich ist es der zeitsparende Service - es wird einfach nur ersetzt, dass man nicht selber XXX Therapeuten anrufen muss um eine Auswahl von Y Therapeuten für einen Therapieplatz zu haben. Die meisten sind zu faul das zu tun. Das würde mit Spendenmöglichkeit meiner Meinung nach nicht funktionieren, dafür haben zu wenig Psychologen Platz.

      1. 1

        Benutzt du eine AI oder Call-Center für die Terminabfragen oder ist das geplant?

  2. 1

    Congrats on the initial customers! Google Ads is tough. I don't recommend paid ads until a little later in the journey once you have your messaging more solidified. Founders always go straight to paid ads, but you need to build a solid foundation first.

  3. 1

    Targeting the right audience at right place is the key !

  4. 1

    Hey Moritz! Congrats on those first few sales, that's a great start. Sounds like you have a product that solves a real pain point.

    Google Ads can be tough, especially in a niche like yours. You might get better results focusing on highly-targeted content that attracts your ideal customers organically. And remember, ads often work best alongside strong organic strategies, not in place of them.

    Since you're helping match people with psychologists, some potential channels are:

    • Blog posts optimized for local SEO: (e.g., "How to Find a Psychologist in [City Name] Who Takes New Patients")
    • Guest posting on mental health blogs with a link back to your service.(Maybe later...)
    • Partner with relevant newsletters: Many newsletters in the health/wellness space are open to collaborations.

    I'm actually building an AI-powered tool called Adsby.co that helps with ad creation. It can be super helpful with understanding your audience and crafting ad copy that converts. We're still in early stages, but I'd be happy to give you a free trial if you want to give it a shot and see if it helps!

    Let me know if you have any questions about content or ads. Happy to share some tips!

  5. 1

    Since you already had success with Whatsapp, you can Try Facebook ads,
    Whatsapp and Facebook have some similarities in the audience type.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the idea.

  6. 1

    If Google Ads isn't delivering results, try alternative marketing strategies such as social media campaigns, email marketing, or influencer partnerships. Focus on targeting niche audiences and refining your messaging to attract your first three customers.

  7. 1

    Why don't you try scaling on what's app understand the real pain points while you build your website on the side?

    Also, here is something else that you can do -- if you can add what kind of psychologists are on your list, their area of expertise, years of experience and Google rating. Maybe that will make your list more interesting and you can charge higher too.

    1. 1

      True, I am planning to aggregate more data anyway.

  8. 1

    Firstly, I like the idea - a similar issue persists also in other European countries, and people are struggling with this and need help. To be honest, I kinda hate that this is an issue in the first place, but the situation is what it is.

    I agree with others that the landing page isn't quite optimized, and that messaging is a bit unclear. I would improve the page so, that the offering would be communicated clearly and instantly, and for example, the cities with this data could be seen immediately. My bottom line is, make it clearer and simpler. Quite basic landing page optimizing tricks should do the trick.

    For Google ads, I would start by thinking of where your target audience is. Could you target some segment in it for now, so that you would have clear demographics in that? You need to create a lot of trust since the business is very young, so think also about channels that could work for that. E.g., using micro-influencers could potentially work here.

  9. 1

    At your stage/size I wouldn't bother with hiring a cofounder, I think you need an improved landing page design though.

    It's somewhat clear what you do, but unclear what it costs - it's 10€ per available psychologist but that could be 10€ or 1,000€ - it's vague.

    There is zero social proof - why should people trust you or give you money?

    You list your process but it's not formatted as a list, it starts out that way but then the list items blend together - hard to read.

    Too many CTAs - pay via Paypal and start a chat now - why should I click either? Why chat if I can just pay, or should I chat first and then pay?

    While I'm not your target market, it's very unclear what happens when you pay. Do I pay you and hope that you'll deliver? Do I pay after? Do I get a refund?

    These are rhetorical questions to get you started - take a step away from your idea and think about it from the perspective of someone who is reading your offer for the very first time. You need to tell them clearly what you do, how it makes their lives better, and how to pay, while demonstrating social proof so they can trust you. That's a basic landing page outline, but it'll help here.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the hints, I'll try to improve the page.

  10. 1

    That's not a good landing page, even due I'm reading an auto translation, your CTA is pay with PayPal?...

    This is the most scrappy page I've seen, good on you, nice that it worked for you on the group, you were probably continuing a mental process for them.

    Your actually having multiple CTAs calling to contact you, and to pay some unknown amount. Your not establishing trust even due your linking full contact information page, the text sounds like someone really confused wrote it if the translation is half decent, as your pointing in multiple directions: pay now, contact me, there is a list, I'm gonna look for people for you (there is no list, this is a personal service), leave this page and contact me in chat, that chat has like this corporate don't care about you feeling, it's not even themed to the landing page even putting the name and email... There isn't a consistent experience

    IDK how your marketing outside the page looked either in the group or in Google ads, but the preconditioning is also be important. Did you also switch the offer from selling a pre-made list to looking personally for someone. Do you mention anywhere how long it's going to take before they get what they ordered?

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