Do you have a YouTube channel? Can I ask about your workflow?

I’m currently building an application, Producer, to help make working on YouTube as easy as possible (think task management, team coordination, analytics, and automation). I’m trying to get as much feedback as early as possible so I build The Right Thing™.

Can you share with me some of the tools you currently use and workflows you have?

Or even better, send me an email and we can schedule a 15 minute call about your workflows.


Edit: grammar

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    My workflow is pretty simple since it's just me teaching people to code. I use ScreenFlow for Mac for screencasts. I sometimes record my iPad when I want to illustrate a concept with Apple Pencil. I am inconsistent on where I keep my list of video ideas. A lot of notes and outlines scattered around on the Notes App, Visual Studio Code Editor, README markdown files, emails to myself, etc. I'm sure some people use Notion or other tools for this and are more organized about this than I am.

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