Trying to get into the space industry

Quick into about me, I am an undergrad student studying Statistics and have a lot of software engineering internships under my belt. Recently I have been hearing a lot about space especially with the recent launch of the Falcon 9, Space X etc.

I am curious if you guys have any idea how I would be able to get into the space industry. I personally want to get into robotics and try to build things that could advance us as a species in that space.

I realize I am very new to this but I feel like this is a pursuit worth pursuing.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on projects, resources or career paths that I could take and to learn more and grow in this space (no pun intended).

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    You should do a Masters in robotics, then a PhD... Choose research projects that can produce something useful to a large audience, then use the results to get a job at SpaceX or to start your own business, like Elon Musk did when he failed to get a job. Sorted.

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      After 4 months of undergrad, I really don't to do more academia but I think seeking out research projects that I can contribute to outside might be a good lead. Thanks for the advice

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    How is it itsadel, did you find your way into space industry?

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    If you want to be in robotics then it would be best to learn more about electronics, motors, and programming. Here's a guide I found:


    As far as getting a job with NASA, SpaceX, or a NASA contractor, good grades are important, and I think practical experience is helpful for a variety of reasons (internships, projects, competitions).

    My wife has worked for NASA since 1997. She started as a contractor and became a NASA civil servant during the shuttle program. A lot of the people we know that work for the agency have engineering (mechanical, electrical, aero) degrees but that's likely because she was in operations for so long.

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    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

    1. 2

      Hahaha. Makes it that much more interesting

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