Built a simple Tailwind color palette generator.

I built a simple Tailwind color palette generator. Just select a color, generate a palette, and add it to your tailwind.config.js.

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    I built a tool to help create color palettes for your Tailwind project. You just input a color and it creates all the shades for your palette, 50-900, and provides the code to drop in your tailwind.config.js.

    It also lists out all the other colors in the same shades, i.e. if you input a pastel blue it will output a pastel red, pastel green, pastel purple, etc., great for making all your color palettes consistent looking.

    I know theres plenty of tools like this out there already and mine isn't particularly unique but I took a stab at it anyway, it was a lot of fun and only two days work.

    Tech stack is Next.js, Tailwind (of course), Redis (for storing user created palettes, totally unnecessary), and Vercel for hosting.

    Getting all 100% lighthouse scores except a few accessibility issues on the homepage color picker that the package is fixing. Will also add features to allow you to customize the output a bit.

    Let me know if you find any bugs or have any feedback/ideas!

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      Nice one. I will bookmark it for future use.

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