Build Your Own Fan Club: How to Use Your Email List

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    Pretty good talk.

    I love emails, and even if I tolerate Twitter, I'm always happier with email. I love, as he says, connecting with people, and I'm always happy to answer anybody writing to me.

    I'm a bit afraid the email / newsletter trend kill a bit the medium, that people would be disgusted by them at one point. On the other side, when people subscribe, I guess it's even a stronger statement nowadays.

    About putting your marketing efforts in platforms you don't own: I think he's totally right, conversion is not that good and if the platform sink, you sink with it. That's why whatever I send on Twitter, it's via a program I've developed which reads a CSV and send the tweet. It means that I have everything I post on my own server. I can reuse it if I want to, or even post it in my new "digital garden".

    Since you're into video games, you might be interested by this Youtune channel.

    The guy is explaining the context and the story of famous games made by indie creators, it's really well done.

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      I'm a bit afraid the email / newsletter trend kill a bit the medium

      I worry about this too.

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    This is very cool. I think that the information "if someone signed your newsletter that person already likes you!" is very useful and something I've never noticed. I like the idea of not being attached to a social media platform as well, it makes your audience more solid.

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