Chaturji AI: Access all AIs for free on one single platform

Remember that time you needed to write killer copy, translate a document, and analyze customer data – all within the same hour? Yeah, us too.

That's why I built Chaturji, the AI platform that brings all the amazing superpowers of different AIs together under one roof.

Imagine having access to rockstars like OpenAI, Claude, and Gemini, all collaborating on your projects.

Chaturji makes it easy to switch between these AIs, organize your prompts, and work seamlessly with your team.

Here's the story: We were drowning in a sea of AI tabs, frustrated by the constant juggling act. There had to be a better way! So we created Chaturji to streamline the process, boost collaboration, and unleash the true potential of AI.

Want to try it out? We launched publicly and opened limited beta sign-ups!

Please show some love to Chaturji on Product Hunt and try for free: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/chaturji

We'd also appreciate any feedback you have. Thanks so much! :)

on March 18, 2024
  1. 1

    This is a cool idea, I definitely have a tab on my bookmarks with a bunch of cool ai tools that I find interesting but overwhelming to try and implement them on tasks I am doing, this tool could make that a lot easter.

  2. 1

    It's a good product, voted it.

  3. 1

    Sounds like something I would love to explore

  4. 1

    Great launch mate, already upvoted!

  5. 1

    Sounds like something I would use

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