Looking for a job

Is there an indie developer out here looking to hire a dev? I am looking for an opportunity to work with an indie hacker.
A bit about me:
-I am from a developing country and I am very hardworking.
-I can work remotely no matter your time zone.
-Kindly check out my portfolio and reach out. https://davidkaris.xyz
Thanks fellow indie devs.

  1. 2

    My suggestion is not to mention that you are desperate. That will be a turn off for many potential employers and potentially set you up to be taken advantage of.

    Instead, highlight your skillsets and how you could help potential employers. Also, consider getting on UpWork if you need immediate work. Good luck!

    1. 2

      I have edited the post @cpursley. Desperate was actually a stretch. I have looked at upwork and others and the problem is "Race to the bottom" kind of pricing on those platforms.

      1. 1

        Fwiw, I've had some good hires on there who I ended up keeping for a long time and even giving raises.

  2. 2

    I love that you have deployable projects, and your website looks nice. If I was hiring a frontend developer I would talk to you, but unfortunately I am not in a position to do so.

    Good luck out there!

  3. 1

    Is working for an indie hacker a must? If not, I built a job offer aggregator; check it out: https://nomadcoder.work/

    1. 1

      It's not a must. Thanks @robert_balazsi. I will check it out.

  4. 1

    Hey David! I don't have a job right now but would love to stay in touch in case I do in the future. I will email you.

    And good luck finding work!

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