7 A/B testing platforms to try in 2022

Finding a suitable A/B testing tool is no longer a problem. Now, the issue is selecting the best option.

We have compiled a list of the most popular A/B testing tools along with reviews from A/B testing experts.

1️⃣ Omniconvert
This tool is used for A/B testing a website, app, or product, making it ideal for eCommerce businesses seeking to become more customer-centric.

2️⃣ AB Tasty
The greatest feature of AB Tasty, however, is the drag-and-drop editor that makes the platform so user-friendly.

3️⃣ A/B Smartly
Experimentation platform that enables multiple teams to conduct and execute hundreds of experiments simultaneously.

4️⃣ InAppStory
InAppStory is a complete stack of content creation solutions for making great Stories with a beautiful user interface and advanced parameters to adjust the layout based on business requirements.

5️⃣ Adobe Target
The Target self-learning algorithms make this platform a favorite among enterprise brands.

6️⃣ Visual Website Optimizer
Visual Website Optimizer is one of the most popular enterprise-grade A/B testing tools.

7️⃣ HubSpot
HubSpot is not the right platform for you if all you need is an A/B testing tool. This comprehensive suite of marketing software consists of four key products.

Learn more in our new article

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    Some of these come with a hefty price tag. Furthermore, these tools may harm the performance of the website. Can you share some insights in these for your tool, InAppStory?

    Sidenote; Hubspot does only do A/B testing on pages created with Hubspot, afaik.

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      We provide A/B test for Stories in your app, so it helps to test the content that you deliver to your clients

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    Shameless plug alert, but if you're not looking at PostHog you're doing it wrong! ;) Free tier up to 1 million events so most small projects won't pay a dime.

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