SOL Fish (Day 517)

I'm in a New York State of Mind today! Finally, I participated in the Solana NFT craze, buying my first Sol Fish, a verified collection on DigitalEyes. This limited edition fish is so cute!

Coinbase SOL transfer is finally working! And I transferred some SOL to my developer account and started my collection. The experience was smooth once it was in my wallet. DigitalEyes is a pretty easy-to-use platform, comparable to Opensea on the Ethereum side. But the fee is so low on Solana, who would anybody wants to go with Ethereum anymore? Maybe unless for a big-ticket item? Even with layer two solutions, there is just more hassle.

However, there are still NOT many people who have a Solana wallet or are not sure where they can get Solana. Metamask certainly has a way larger installation base. I received quite a few inquiries about how to get started with Solana. Well, other than Coinbase, where you can buy Solana, I recently opened an account with FTX.us, sign up here with my referral link! If you are a non-US citizen, use FTX.com.

Then install a Phantom Wallet, the "Solana version of Metamask," and I like the user experience with Phantom. You can create a Solana wallet with it.

Then you can transfer some SOL to your new Solana wallet and participate in NFT sales.

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NFT Non-Fungible Token
on September 18, 2021
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