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From a 500.000$/Year Marketing Agency Owner to a MarTech Saas Founder with a MRR=500€

I co-founded Hybrida.io, a growth marketing agency in ITALY 🇮🇹 that grew 200% YoY and in 2021 made 500.000$.

We help eCommerce Businesses to grow rapid with a rapid experimentation approach.

I was in charge of operations and client's results, so spent most of my time on testing new procedures, solving problems for big clients, and analyzing bottlenecks on every bug I saw in our agency and our clients.

The more I analyzed all the data I had in my google sheets the more I thought that most of our decisions that now we make intuitively can be automated with AI and tech.

I left my co-founders in charge and I learned how to code in python creating the firs AI models that could give suggestions to marketers on how to distribute the advertising budget in order to maximize Revenue.

We tested this technology on our Agency's clients and it got awesome results.

From this experiment https://cassandra.app/ was born, and now we are trying to create the best AI-powered consultant able to optimize your marketing campaigns by decreasing budget waste and increasing ROAS.

Our MRR right now is 500$/month

Our goal for 2022 is MRR=50.000$/month

We have a pretty ambitious plan to follow in order to achieve this result.

Ask me anything!

  1. 1

    That's really interesting @gabriele!
    I had a quick doubt (regarding Hybrida though) - When you first started the company, how did you take it off the ground, in terms of getting clients?

    I'm curious to know how to resolve that classic deadlock where you start something but you don't have any case studies yet.

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