Developer story: Going from 🀴🏽 to 😩 then to 😎 with Tailwind

Backstory: I have been a developer for around 40 years now, and built hundred of apps ranging from small utilities to enterprise level systems. My goal is to keep pushing myself by learning new things, so this week, I decided to code up my first production website using Tailwind CSS (well, more accurately, Tailwind UI).

I decided to scrap my usual 'go to' framework of Bootstrap and jQuery and instead using Alpine.js as the JS framework for this long neglected side project of mine.

Here are the before and after shots in my tweet:

I was also happy with the Lighthouse performance report. The old site was around 45 from memory:

Conclusion: Tailwind DOES take some learning. For those first few hours, I felt like a complete noob at something so simple as a static HTML page. The Tailwind UI components does make it easier to drop in sections and then customise them to suit, so it was a great way to dive in feet first.

I think the end result is passable. πŸ˜‰

posted to
on December 30, 2020
  1. 4

    Nice to see some one with 40years of experience choosing Tailwind and loving it. Feeling good for moving to Tailwind.

  2. 3

    Tailwind is amazzziiiiiiing. All of flurly is powered by it :)

    1. 1

      Nice! Flurly looks great.

      My eventual plan is to roll out Tailwind across the app side, not just the marketing website. Looking forward to that challenge now that I have my hands dirty.

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