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DEX is the salvation of the cryptoсurrency

Contrary to popular belief, I think the upcoming U.S. regulations may have a positive impact on the entire decentralized scene. Why? Because the government will have a say in the centralized marketplace, and because history shows us that everything the government touches goes to waste.

Think about it. People already have a lot of complaints about centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Namely, poor customer support. Low APYs and more. Soon they will actually turn into Wallstreet 0.2! They will have money, official government support and Washington, being Washington, most likely a huge lobby.

The difference is that here we have DEXs to go to. If they resist the Fed's call for regulation, they will be here as a parallel crypto-market. Right now there are enough proven and popular DEXs on the market like WOWswap, MDEX, dYdX and so on. All of them also offer these features that centralized cryptocurrency exchanges have. Leverage, trading terminals, credit pools, swaps, bonuses, referral programs and the like. And the main difference is that you don't have to make a deposit to trade and you don't have to be verified.

So DEXs will be the only place to trade whatever coins the feds deem illegal. And they will remain free of anti-utopian federal regulation. I wouldn't be surprised if many whales switched to DEXs.

DEXs have far fewer customers at the moment. But they could actually be our salvation. Don't be surprised if a huge pumping of DEXs starts once the new federal regulations on cryptocurrencies are in place.

posted to Icon for group Crypto
on June 22, 2022
  1. 1

    It's really cool that the DeFi shot up in 2020 and continues to gain popularity in parallel while remaining out of the hands of regulators

  2. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

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