Welcome! What digital products are you building?

With the newly created group, I'm curious to know, what digital products are you currently building / have built?

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posted to
Digital Products
on October 3, 2020
  1. 8

    I'll start it off:

    Name: Chrome Extension Kit
    Description: Jump-start your Chrome extension projects with a variety of battle-tested starter templates and grow your audience with proven tips and actionable advice.
    Link: https://chromeextensionkit.com/

    1. 1

      Really useful idea and pretty unique (not come across anything similar).
      Would be great to get your comments on - www.moderndispatches.com - a series of resources for entrepreneurs looking to kickstart their PR without spending money - so think pitching guides, PR templates, best tool analysis etc. Let me know what you think :)

    2. 1

      Nice! where was this 8 months ago when i started building my chrome extension :D!? Gonna buy and support this for the growth tips alone!

      1. 1

        Haha, thank you!

  2. 5

    Neat idea!
    Name: Logology
    Description: get a meaningful logo + brand identity for your startup in minutes.
    Link: https://www.logology.co

    1. 2

      Really nice idea - especailly the brand identity part. When I put my logo together for Modern Dispatches - www.moderndispatches.com - it took ages to get a decent logo. I ended up sorting it on Fiverr, because the logo-generating tools I used didn't come up with anything original or appropriate. Looking at your product, it seems that you go into a lot of detail in terms of 'startup personality' which is something your competitors don't do as well

      1. 1

        Thank you Hannah, I really appreciate it. We're trying to get as close to a real brand design process as we can :)

    2. 2

      Looks wonderful! I hope you have success with it.

      1. 1

        Thanks! We’ve been gaining momentum for a while, so far so good 🤘

    3. 2

      Awesome idea and I love the site design!

      1. 1

        thank you for the kind words 🙏🙂

  3. 4

    Name: Kickback
    Description: Virtual hangouts with the ability for side conversations, unlike zoom. Talk only to who you want to talk to, and avoid those you aren't interested in talking with.
    Link: https://kickback.chat

    1. 2

      This looks great! I just recently attended a "virtual party" that had exactly the problem you are attempting to solve. Looking forward to trying it out.

      1. 1

        Nice! Be sure to sign up for our beta while there are still spots open!

        1. 1

          Sure thing! Already done :)

  4. 4

    Great idea! Here’s mine...

    Name: Product Names
    Description: Available names for inspiration or new projects 🚀
    Link: https://twitter.com/productnames

    1. 2

      Awesome idea! Had no idea there were so many solid names left to be honest, haha.

      1. 1

        🙏 Thanks! I know, right!?

  5. 3

    Name: PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager
    Description: The best way to group Youtube subscriptions
    Link: https://yousub.info/

    1. 1

      This seems super interesting, I have always not enjoyed how subs are organized on youtube. They seem to appear/disappear frequently.

    2. 1

      Wow, really cool idea for an extension. Thanks for sharing!

  6. 2

    Hi - I'm building a series of resources for entrepreneurs looking to pitch directly to the media rather than hiring an expensive agency. Resources currently include The Ultimate Guide To Getting Media Coverage For Your Startup. Working on other resources including PR templates, emails to pitch journalists etc. Would be great to get feedback: www.moderndispatches.com - thanks!

    1. 1

      @HannahSPL_ Subscribed! This sounds really helpful but more importantly it sounds educational. This is one of those subjects where not knowing what I don't know will really hurt me. Excited to have found a resource. Good luck!

      1. 2

        Great - thanks. Do let me know what you think :)

        1. 1

          Will do! And please take a look at https://rapidfirefeedback.com/ - I posted about it in this thread. Would love to get your feedback

          1. 1

            Hey so I had a look and I think it's a good idea. The idea is that you ask people a few questions linked to the product and then you ask them to download it, because of this, they'd be happier to download, is that correct? And you'd sell this to business owners as a digital product?

  7. 2

    Great idea!

    Name: Submit Juice

    Description: Curated list of 150+ directories and websites to promote your startup.

    Link: https://www.submitjuice.com/directories

  8. 2

    Name: Spookey!
    Description: A Platform where users can deploy ghost blog with few clicks. Its actually a Ghost pro Alternative with Lot more features at a affordable price. Currently being tested privately. Planed to launch at the first week of Nov, 2020
    Link: https://spookey.io

  9. 2

    I have challenged myself to release one plugin /month for next 12 months. Here is my post

  10. 1

    Thanks @rfitz ! Looks like I'm a few weeks late on this thread but I'm new here and am eager for some feedback. Thanks for taking a look!

    Name: Rapid-Fire Feedback

    Description: A social polling application designed for you to get feedback... rapidly :)

    • Share links and ask questions about the news and media you consume online

    • Visualize your social bubbles... Responses are anonymous but grouped based on who is or isn't in your network so that you can see past your social bias

    • Send follow up questions to groups of respondents based on how they've responded to previous questions

    Link: https://rapidfirefeedback.com/

  11. 1

    Name: Benchmark App
    Description: Minimum effective dose Business Intelligence app that helps creators artists and small business owners get control over the results in their business
    Link: http://bnchmrk.app

  12. 1

    Name: Filter'd: A Specialty Coffee Community
    Description: Connect people through community to share and explore specialty coffee and making it more accessibility.
    Glide App: https://cofffee.glideapp.io/
    Site: https://www.filterd.xyz/

  13. 1

    I'm working on pixela
    Name: Pixela - A tool to make retargeting easier
    ✅ Register your first pixels, for example Facebook pixels at thePixels view
    ✅ Generate your tracking links embedding your pixels at the Links view
    ✅ Share your tracking links on social media, email and ads to build your custom audience
    ✅ Run ads against the generated custom audience or create new lookalike audience out of the generated custom audience to run ads against


  14. 1

    Name: Codedmails
    I recently launched https://codedmails.com with focus on email templates for developers. There are 50+ email templates which can be used with any HTML email platform.

  15. 1

    Name: tabExtend
    Description: Browser extension for managing tabs. Save text-snippets from websites, add notes and to-dos all in a clear kanban style overview with drag and drop functionality.
    Link: https://tabextend.com

  16. 1

    Nice idea! Let me introduce Mindible:
    Name: Mindible
    Description: A notion-like notes app, for the web and mobile, with integrated blogging
    Link: https://usemindible.com

  17. 1

    Name: Learnshots
    Description: Curated learning resources from internet around
    Tech, Programming, Startups and Productivity. Aimed at creating knowledge base for the community. Do follow @learnshots !
    Link: learnshots.app

  18. 1

    Name: Kingdom
    Description: Make your kingdom. Promote your business. Help the planet. 😜
    Link: https://kingdom.so

  19. 1

    Name: The Classic Valuer
    Description: Over £1,000,0000,000 of sold classic cars in one place. Find out the value of any classic car in the world, and see the price trend based on previously sold models.
    Link: https://theclassicvaluer.com

  20. 1

    Nice! I am also in the template making business:D

    Name EnzymeUI
    Description EnzymeUI is bootstrap and vuejs dashboard and components library which will help you to speed up the development of your next project.

  21. 1

    What constitutes a "Digital Product" in your mind @rfitz?

    Here is what we are building...
    Name: Startup Sanctuary
    Description: A community for entrepreneurs and creators - New platform coming very soon.
    Link: https://startupsanctuary.com

  22. 1

    We are doing several:

    Name: 3 Techniques to Rocket Launch your Twitter Account
    Description: An ebook with simple actions anyone can take to start creating content on Twitter and stand out.
    Link: gum.co/hkVRI

    More: monthlystart.com a community of starters, we love to share oour knowledge and we build a startup every month.

  23. 1

    Alright, here goes:

    Name: Niceboard
    Description: Start your own job board business, no code required!
    Link: https://niceboard.co
    Currently running a deal on Appsumo: https://appsumo.com/niceboard/

  24. 1

    Name: Sponsorgap
    Description: Find easily sponsors for your newsletter, website or podcast.
    Link: https://sponsorgap.com/

  25. 1

    Name: Portabella
    Description: Privacy preserving project management. Think Trello/Jira/Asana but end-to-end encrypted and no tracking
    Link: https://portabella.io

  26. 1

    My turn then! It is still under development though!

    Name: Front Figure
    Description: Perform your financial valuation or feasibility study in less than 20 minutes and up to 90% cheaper than traditional methods.
    Link: https://www.frontfigure.com/

  27. 1

    So far I have only one ebook. I plan to publish more and create at least one course.

    Name: Space Apps for Android: Discover the Best Astronomy and Space Apps
    Description: Learn what the best astronomy and space apps for Android do and how to get the most out of them
    Link: https://gum.co/spaceappsforandroid

  28. 1

    I guess it's not really a product but my recent side hustle/fun is building a coding tutorials YouTube channel.
    👉Alan Montgomery - Coding Tutorials 👈

  29. 1

    Name: Rumin
    Description: Visual Canvas for Connected Knowledge
    Link: https://getrumin.com/

  30. 1

    www.biostockscrash.com - a side project that helps investors and traders in the biotech industry.
    Explore data, learn concepts, get inspired and find opportunities.

  31. 1

    Name: Localazy
    Description: Developer-friendly app localization solution, the modern way of multilingual development. Allows to share translations between apps and save money as it can instantly translate apps to 80 languages for free.
    Link: https://localazy.com

  32. 1

    Cool initiative!

    I am reworking this.

    Name: Wicked Templates
    Description: responsive HTML templates ready to use out of the box.
    Link: https://www.wickedtemplates.com

    Up and running and waiting for the yearly redesign.
    Name: Colors & Fonts.
    Description: Colors and typography tools for web developers and digital designers.
    Link: https://www.colorsandfonts.com

  33. 1

    Super excited to be part of the thread!

    Name: VenturesList

    Description: We help early stage startups develop funding knowledge and strategies by showing essential resources in the investment life cycle.

    Link: VenturesList

  34. 1

    Studio Cinematic
    Edit videos 5x+ faster than before!

  35. 1

    Name: wonder.codes
    Description: a tool to make annotations when you read open source codes, you can also organize your annotations in topics and publish them
    Link: https://wonder.codes

  36. 1

    Name: Sunday Type Co.
    Description: An independent type foundry focused on unique retail fonts.
    Link: https://sundaytype.com

  37. 1

    Name: Frontendor
    Description: Create beautiful landing pages by copy-paste.
    Link: https://frontendor.com

  38. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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